Monday, November 24, 2014

Being in a relationship vs being single

I kinda have the feeling that these days people think being in a relationship makes you look cooler. People think being in a relationship is a good thing. 
They somehow think being single is a bad thing and every person who is in a relationship kinda rubs it into your face when you're single now I am here as a single man to tell you it's actually wonderful to be single! Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being in a relationship but being single is way more relaxing and easier.
Now first of all you have your freedom, not just the freedom of trying your cheesy pick up lines on other people but also the freedom of doing every nerdy thing you want to do. We all have a nerdy side and sometimes you have to hide it when you're in a relationship I mean seriously, which one of you plays League of Legends with his girlfriend? (If you do then congratulations you have found the perfect girl) but you can let all the crapy and freaky side out when you're single because there is no one else there to judge you. And being in a relationship is hard work for your brain! You have to remember everything, literally everything! But for some reason everybody wants to make being single a bad thing. So for all you single people out there, I am standing for you and I'm telling you... Who are we kidding, being single sucks even more than you think!


  1. Haha the last line sums up my life. cool blog post I found you through teenage blogger central cool blog please check out my blog hopefully follow x

  2. Oh, this made me laugh out loud! And I mean seriously... my family looked at me funny. XD I totally love your blog, sir! I look forward to reading more! :D

    -Morning Kay
